Ayda Kianfar

PhD researcher in Urban and regional planning at Tarbiat Modares University
About Ayda Kianfar

Ayda Kianfar earned the degree in urban planning from Tehran University. She is a PhD researcher in Urban and regional planning at Tarbiat Modares University, researching on the topic of "Urban Gray Spaces: In Search of a Conceptual Model of Urban Transition Spaces in Tehran". Critical thinking on the transition of urban spaces in the system governing based on the land economy and the (informal) urban planning approach seeks to formulate a conceptual model of these spaces and explain the alternative of urban planning in the face of them. Other topics in which interested are critical planning, reproduce (in(formal urban spaces, a self-organized planning approach, and conflict of interest. She has a membership of NECTAR. Also, in the professional field, she has cooperated with urban planning and architecture consulting in the fields of urban plans in the historical context of Tehran and integrated and smart Governance of Tehran peri-urban areas, also conducting research projects at Tarbiat Modares University.